dominoc925 WebApps

A collection of utility and map based WebApps by dominoc925

Try a WebApp

Earthquake Monitor

Monitor earthquakes from around the world as color-coded (by depth and age) icons with tool tips on a Google Maps backdrop - the older the earthquake, the more transparent the icon will look. More...

Singapore Weather Nowcast

This web app shows Singapore's weather forecast for the next 2 hours (from the National Environment Agency's Nowcast RSS feed) as graphics with tool tips on a Google Maps backdrop. More...

Watermark Image

Watermark images without having to upload the source images to a web server for processing. More...

Seattle 911 Incidents Monitor

This web app allows users to monitor the City of Seattle's Fire Dept.'s real time 911 dispatches (updated every 5 minutes) and the Police Department's 911 Dispatch Incident responses (non-confidential and updated every 4 hours) on a Google Maps backdrop. More...